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Product group Product name Product code Attachment
Electric installation materials and electrical equipment VILMA XP 500 metal socket RJ45 MEH 1083074 Declaration
Electric installation materials and electrical equipment VILMA XP 500 METĀLIKS rozete TV meh 1083095 Declaration
Electric installation materials and electrical equipment VILMA XP 500 white socket double 469165 Declaration
Electric installation materials and electrical equipment VILMA XP 500 white socket double with side earth 469162 Declaration
Electric installation materials and electrical equipment VILMA XP 500 white socket with side earth ar vaku meh 121675 Declaration
Electric installation materials and electrical equipment VILMA XP 500 white socket with side earth meh 120905 Declaration
Electric installation materials and electrical equipment VILMA XP 500 ZILOŅKAULA rozete RJ45 meh 323647 Declaration
Electric installation materials and electrical equipment VILMA XP 500 ZILOŅKAULA rozete TV meh 149645 Declaration
Construction chemistry Vincents ACRYLGRUNT 10L Water-based dispersion primer 271559 Certificate
Construction chemistry Vincents ACRYLGRUNT 1L Water-based dispersion primer 271557 Certificate
Construction chemistry Vincents ACRYLGRUNT 5L Water-based dispersion primer 271558 Certificate
Construction chemistry Vincents BETONGRUNT 1.5kg prime coating 113054 Certificate
Construction chemistry Vincents BETONGRUNT 15kg prime coating 113055 Certificate
Construction chemistry Vincents BETONGRUNT 4kg prime coating 271521 Certificate
Construction chemistry Vincents BETONGRUNT 7kg prime coating 271516 Certificate
Construction chemistry Vincents CLEAN 10L cleaner for removing cement and mortar splashes 271546 Certificate
Construction chemistry Vincents CLEAN 1L cleaner for removing cement and mortar splashes 271513 Certificate
Construction chemistry Vincents Clean 5L cleaner for removing cement and mortar splashes 271509 Certificate
Construction chemistry Vincents CRYSTAL 1.4kg sodium silicate solution 113052 Certificate
Construction chemistry Vincents CRYSTAL 14kg sodium silicate solution 153955 Certificate