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Loyalty card

We have created the Būvniecības ABC loyalty card to thank you for your trust and appreciation of our services in the form of discounts. You can receive the loyalty card free of charge in our stores in Biķeru street 4, Dreiliņi and in Riga: Ata street 5A and Mūkusalas street 93. All you have to do is go to the checkout and fill out the application form.

You can also get the customer card in QR code format (electronic card). Fill out the application form to get your free electronic card here:

Apply for a customer card in QR format

Good to know!

•    The loyalty card is valid and is issued for an indefinite period.

•  A private person and companies both can create an electronic loyalty card.
•    The loyalty card discounts are not applicable to discounted goods, orders and services.

Būvniecības ABC loyalty card

If you have any questions about the use of the loyalty card, please, contact us!