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Loyalty card

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Conditions of Use of Būvniecības ABC Client Card

  1. The Client Card can be obtained in all “Būvniecības ABC” stores, and it is valid immediately after completing the application form and entering the data into the system.
  2. A discount applies to all products, except CAMPAIGN products and products, for which it has been previously announced that the discount does not apply.
  3. Discounts of the Client Card cannot be combined with other discount programmes, unless a special offer is announced in advance.
  4. If the sales discount of a product is higher than your current discount, the highest discount will be applied.
  5. The Client Card is issued for an UNLIMITED TERM. Any possible changes to the term of validity of the Client Card will be timely notified, using your indicated contact information.
  6. SIA “Optimera Latvia” and “Būvniecības ABC” stores do not assume liability for any incurred loss, if the Client Card is stolen, damaged or recognised as invalid.
  7. The Client Card status starts to function starting from the moment of its entering into the system. SIA “Optimera Latvia” and “Būvniecības ABC” are entitled to refuse issuance of the Client Card and annul it without a prior warning, without explaining the reason.
  8. Information on purchases and their volumes is recorded and stored in the electronic data accounting system of SIA “Optimera Latvia” and “Būvniecības ABC”, and the system manager and data operator is SIA “Optimera Latvia”.
  9. This information is confidential and is used only for processing of the company's internal data.
  10. Before making a payment, the Client Card has to be presented to the cashier, otherwise discounts will not apply!
  11. In case of losing the Client Card, please notify the Information Division of the respective “Būvniecības ABC” store, where the Client Card was registered (information on “Būvniecības ABC” stores is available in the closing section of the Conditions of Use), visiting the Division and presenting these Conditions of Use, where your Client Card number is indicated. On a basis of the presented Conditions of Use a new Client Card with a new number will be issued, preserving your discount and purchase history.

Best regards,

“Būvniecības ABC”